Join us on a Sunday morning for timeless & modern worship music, biblical teaching that will challenge & encourage you, & a church ready to welcome you. Dress in a way comfortable to you (we're casual), & join us in the pursuit of knowing Jesus as Lord.
Service Times
Sunday: 8am, 9:30am & 11am
Sunday Online: 9:30am
Identity in Christ
Seeing yourself as who God has made you is crucial to spiritual growth.
Grace of God
Receiving all you need from God frees you to love and serve others.
Walking by the Holy Spirit
Victory over sin and the flesh comes only in willfully yielding to the lead of the Holy Spirit.
What to Expect at Hilltop Church
At Hilltop you'll be welcomed into a friendly and casual environment by people who are excited to see you. Our desire is to connect people to God through worship, prayer, biblical sermons, and a strong sense of community. Come as you are and find out more for yourself.

Weekend Services
- Services to last about 60 minutes
- Expository Bible teaching/preaching
- A mixture of modern and timeless worship music
- A fun and engaging environment for your kids to meet Jesus.
Children's Ministry
Each week Hilltop Kids, newborns through 5th graders, learn the truth about who God is and who they are because of Him. We do this through age-tailored lessons and content that mirrors what you learn in the main service, exciting games, and trained and trusted adult leadership.

Middle School Students
Each Sunday at 11am our Next Gen Pastor, Brendan Hardin, leads 6th-8th graders through the same content you are learning in the main service. This teaching is customized for life-stage of a teenager. Students also enjoy games and small groups during this time.
Mid-week youth group for middle school students is on Wednesday night. This meeting is similar to Sunday mornings. It has topical Bible-based teaching, games, small groups, and events. This is great place to make friends, grow in the faith, and learn about events and camps.
Mid-week youth group for middle school students is on Wednesday night. This meeting is similar to Sunday mornings. It has topical Bible-based teaching, games, small groups, and events. This is great place to make friends, grow in the faith, and learn about events and camps.
High School Students
Mid-week youth group for high school students is on Tuesday night. While we encourage high school students to transition to the main service on Sunday morning and/or to serve in tech, worship, or children's ministry, we know a gathering just for their stage of life is important too. The high school group has topical Bible-based teaching that address the specific challenges of being a teenager. There are also games and small groups. High school students are encouraged to learn their gifting, go to camps, serve on missions trips, and much more.