Overseas Missions

Kevin & Daniela Dickson
Kevin and Daniela, along with their three children Anna, Ester, and Tobias, have been serving with Josiah Venture (JV) in the Czech Republic since May 2010. Although they started with JV in 2010, their service in Czech dates back to Kevin’s arrival in 2004 and Daniela’s calling to serve the church when she was a young Czech teenager. They have a heart for young leaders in Central and Eastern Europe, and the vision of Josiah Venture to work through the local church to disciple young leaders who would transform their countries is of great importance to them. Today, Kevin serves on the Executive Leadership Team for Josiah Venture in the Czech Republic. In this role, he oversees the outreach and discipleship programs of the country as well as North American church partnerships. Daniela works alongside Kevin and disciples young female leaders. They live in Vendryně where Kevin also serves as an elder in their local church.

Ben & Dorine Linn
The Linn Family (Ben, Dorine, Becca, David, Maya, and Zeke) has been living in Dublin, Ireland since 2017. Ireland, once the land of saints and scholars, is today the least evangelized country in the English-speaking world. Culturally, there are many misconceptions about who Jesus is and what it means to be a Christian. Ben and Dorine are involved in relational ministry that seeks to clear away these misconceptions while living life alongside local people. In particular, they serve in the local church, with those in addiction and recovery and within communities around the city of Dublin. Their work takes on many forms such as teaching, counseling, music, practical ministries and even woodworking. For more information or to sign up for prayer updates, visit their website.

Andrew & Stephanie Onguka
The Ongukas are serving the Lord in Kijabe and Nakuru, northwest of Nairobi, Kenya. Currently, they support about 130 of the brightest Christian high school students, enabling them to complete high school. A number of them continue on to college. Since high school in Kenya is fee-based, they might otherwise not be able to attend. In addition to educational scholarships, there is youth mentoring, impact youth camps and leadership development. To enhance the outreach to the students, a Student Leadership Center is being built at Nakuru to provide facilities for the students between school sessions. Stephanie, a medical doctor, supports Andrew with the ministry, works at Kajabe Hospital and takes care of their three boys (Jonathan, Peter, and Boaz). Bridge Ministries supports the program costs for One Life Africa, and Hilltop provides personal support for the Ongukas through Serving In Mission (SIM).

Chip & Rhome Nuttall
Chip and Rhome “retired” over 12 years ago to Rhome’s birthplace on the island of Pilar in the Central Philippines. Pilar is a small, remote island with about 12,000 people, most of whom lead a subsistence lifestyle as farmers and fishermen. Chip says: “Farming is like Little House on the Prairie, fishing on the surrounding ocean is with hand lines and occasionally with small, hand-tossed nets”. Helping neighbors soon evolved into running a free, weekly medical mission and later Chip and Rhome’s Gospel outreach efforts led to of a house church run from their home. In 2018 they added a free computer learning center which is open two days a week to help children learn basic reading, writing, math and computer skills. Hilltop provides regular support to the Nuttalls and periodic shipments of needed medical supplies. The Nuttalls’ medical and educational activities are run in collaboration with EVACE International, a US-based non-profit organization

NEO LEADERS || Near East Orgnaization
Founded in 2005, NEO serves in 15 countries, including Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Sudan, and are moving into parts of the Arabian Peninsula and Europe. Specific ministries include supporting refugees from different wars in the region, people with disabilities, youth and street children, abused and traumatized women, Bedouins, and nationals. NEO works in close companionship with NOVO, a band of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for that mission around the world. More at www.novo.org.

EPEK International
EPEK International exists to walk alongside and care for those in need in a place where many organizations are reluctant to go – Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is a place with difficult challenges but EPEK leaders see many opportunities for those willing to be a light in a dark place. The EPEK team is led by a U.S. citizen who was born in Afghanistan but fled the country as a child refugee to Pakistan. The EPEK team comprises individuals who have years of experience working with organizations and NGOs that have served the Afghan people.
EPEK supports Afghans in-country and in refugee camps in neighboring countries through long-distance cultural sharing, job training and health and wellness programs.
EPEK walks alongside Afghans – in Kabul, Afghanistan and elsewhere – to lift up those who are struggling and often feel forgotten. Their work and relationships create hope and transformational, sustainable change through love, learning, resources, faithful service and prayer.
Missionaries Resident in North America

Matt & Kim O’Brien
Matt and Kim O’Brien work with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) on the Boise State University (BSU) campus. Cru was started by Bill and Vonette Bright at the UCLA campus in 1951 and has been present at Boise State for over 45 years. Matt and Kim lead a team of Cru staff and students who are committed to taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to Boise State’s 21,000 students. They seek to develop healthy Christ-followers who walk by faith, communicate their faith, and multiply their faith. Kim grew up in Minden and graduated from Douglas High School. She was part of Hilltop in its early days. Matt and Kim have served with Cru since June 1990. Matt is also the Cru National Director for ten western states and travels extensively to colleges and universities in those states.

Dick & Shirley Walker
In 1961 in Fort Saint James, Dick and Shirley set out to translate the Bible into the Dakelh (or Carrier) Nation’s language and create literacy programs for the Carrier nation. They worked with Wycliffe Bible translators for around 40 years prior to joining the Education Society. Over the years, they have translated the New Testament and Genesis into Northern, Central and Southern Dakelh, and have recently recorded the Central Dakelh Book of Genesis and the Gospel of John. They have developed and taught Dakelh bilingual language programs for public schools and have worked worked with various colleges and the Carrier Linguistic Society promoting the Dakelh language. Their pastoral work includes supporting the Dakelh believers and producing Dakelh Bible studies for broadcasting, including a study of the book of Acts which is available by radio and mail to the Dakelh people.
Local Missions
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. FCA seeks to make disciples through various methods such as engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same. Hilltop supports the local FCA representative, Tim Plummer, as he works in the high schools in the Carson City/Douglas County area.
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)
Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to teach boys and girls the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and establish them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
CEF has many different ministries for children, but the primary ones are the Good News Club and the 5-Day Club.
The Good News Club and 5-Day Club ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools, and community centers all over the world. These fast-paced, one-hour programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment. Most recently, Hilltop and CEF have worked together to establish and run a Good News Club at Jack’s Valley Elementary School in Douglas County, Nevada.
Northern Nevada Dream Center
The Northern Nevada Dream Center was created in 2010 to bring hope, relief and God’s love to individuals and families in need in our communities. Support and services that address hunger, poverty, homelessness, addiction, education and general well-being are provided.
The Center provides assistance through emergency food boxes, monthly outreach to individuals and families living in motels, toiletries for the homeless, educational services for job seekers and those working towards their GED, clothing and fun activities and services for children. Hilltop cooperates with the Center on monthly outreach to the residents of Indian Hills, north Douglas County.
Life Choices
The Life Choices Community Pregnancy Clinic has been a resource in our community since 1983. The clinic is a friendly center where women can come to get factual information in a confidential environment as they explore their options .
Life Choices Carson City provides caring assistance. Their volunteers are trained to listen, care and provide truthful information to help educate women regarding their choice options and the documented outcomes they can expect from those choices. An informed choice is a better choice. All of the Clinic’s services are provided free of charge.
City of Refuge
City of Refuge is a home for women and teens who choose to give their babies the ultimate gift… LIFE. At City of Refuge pregnant women find not only safe shelter in a peaceful rural environment, but a caring community to share life with. They have the opportunity to grow spiritually while participating in daily home life, counseling, life skills training, parenting classes and education.
City of Refuge exists to provide pregnant women with the opportunity to have their babies while living in a place of safety and security. Going there is an opportunity for them to consider a new direction in life. Whether it’s preparing to parent, or finding help seeking a loving adopting family, City of Refuge helps them say YES to life because saying yes is the most precious gift they can give.
Friends In Service Helping (FISH)
Friends In Service Helping (FISH) has been serving the Carson City and surrounding communities since 1979 and today is rural Northern Nevada’s largest and most complete private social services program.
The mission of FISH is to provide food, training, clothing, shelter, and medical aid to the under-employed, homeless, and hungry within our community, training and referring families and individuals so they may become self-sufficient. FISH aims to provide a “hand up” rather than a “hand out”.
How you can contribute
All of the above missions & missionaries receive a fixed monthly donation from the HCC General Budget. These amounts are decided and approved by the Elders before the start of the annual financial year.
If you feel led to give specifically to missions, you may do so in 2 ways:
i) Contact the missions/missionaries directly and send a donation privately without assistance from the church. Hyperlinks to web addresses are provided above.
ii) Give a gift simply labelled ‘Missions’ to the church and the Missions Team will decide how and when your support is distributed.
You may also donate in-kind to the Nuttalls in the Philippines by placing much needed medical supplies in the box by the church secretary’s office.
Many thanks for your generous and ongoing support to these missions, missionaries and their families.
The Hilltop Missions Team
These are the members of our missions team Jim Winans, Cindy Craig, Zach Harris, Hoyt Temple, Bree Naccarato, Dorothy Horne, Courtney Kratz, Sarena Holt, Heidi Ghan, Karl Moe, and Des Craig.
Members are allocated one or more mission organization or missionary family to communicate with monthly, and at our meetings we discuss mission finances, talk about how to communicate mission information with the Church body, discuss how to communicate better with our missionaries, and share information and prayer requests from our missionaries.
Please reach out to any of the above for more information or complete the request form below. Also, feel free to communicate directly with the missionaries and mission organizations referred to above. Please get in touch with a Missions Team member if you need assistance with contact information and mailing addresses.